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Manage Your Alerts

Learn how to edit, configure, unsubscribe from, and delete alerts in Muck Rack.

Sara Sorenson avatar
Written by Sara Sorenson
Updated over 2 months ago

Manage Your Alerts

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Adjust your Alerts if you’re receiving unhelpful results. You may want to revisit your keywords and/or filters applied. If you aren’t receiving many results from your Alerts, you may want to expand the number of keywords included to capture more content.

Learn More in Muck Rack Academy

You can learn about editing and configuring alerts by taking the Alerts course in Muck Rack Academy.

Edit An Alert

You can edit any Alert you've created by accessing and reconfiguring that alert.

  1. From the main navigation bar, select Monitoring > Alerts.

    Shows the 'Monitoring' dropdown menu expanded and the 'Alerts' option circled in red

  2. Select an Alert.

    Shows the Alerts page with an alert highlighted and its name circled in red

  3. Make your desired adjustments from the Settings page, then select Save.

Alert Settings

Alerts can be configured upon creation or edited later using the Alert Settings page. Use the tables below to learn about what each configuration setting does.

Alert Details

Setting Name


Alert Name

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Name your alert


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Choose who will have access to the Alert: Your organization or only you

Delivery Settings

Setting Name


Alert Type

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Choose to have your Alert delivered via Email, Email Digest, or Slack.


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Enter email subscribers: Enter the emails of those receiving Alert emails. Removing users from this field will unsubscribe them from the alert.

Delivery days

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Choose whether an Alert is sent daily, or on specific days.


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You can select to receive emails multiple times a day or once daily


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Enter a timezone for your Alert.

Content to Monitor

Setting Name



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Type the keywords or Boolean Search that you would like to have monitored and sent to you

NOTE: For Digests, you can select up to 10 Saved Searches to include in your content to monitor.

Articles and Social Content

See this section broken out below.

Broadcast clips
(only available with Broadcast add-on)

See this section broken out below.

Articles and Social Content

Consider this section like your Filters but for Alerts. You can use these filters to narrow down and specify results.

Setting Name



Select these boxes if you'd only like to include content from verified journalists or outlets.

Content must appear in

  • Posts on X enable alerts for keyword mentions in journalist posts on X (Twitter).

  • Article shares enable alerts to track specific coverage linked in journalist tweets.

  • Articles enable alerts for mentions of coverage mentioning the keywords.

  • Headlines only restrict alerts to only articles with your specified keywords in headlines.

Bios and titles

If you have a specific journalist title or bio mention, you can specify that. For example, Sustainability Blogger, Cat mom, etc.


Filter articles based on the specific topics or industries the journalist covers.

Media outlet types

Filter articles based on the type of media outlet they are published in. You can select specific outlet types, such as newspapers, magazines, online publications, or broadcast outlets, to refine their search results according to your preferences.

Outlet Lists

Users can choose to include or exclude articles based on their Outlet Lists.

NOTE: By default, this will be set to Include results authored by people from OR published by the Outlet Lists you choose in the "Outlet lists to monitor" section. If you only want to include articles published by the outlets in your list, select "published by" from the dropdown before saving your settings.

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Outlet lists to monitor

Select from your Outlet Lists.

Content type

Allows you to filter articles based on content format: Print or Online.


Search for articles within specific areas or scopes of expertise. Like the "Scopes" filter in People Search, this filter helps users find articles that cover particular topics or industries of interest.

Media Lists

Enables you to search for articles specifically from curated media lists or groups.


Allows you to search for articles based on geographic location.


Narrow down results by specifying a particular geographic area based on the location of a media outlet.


Specify the language of the articles you are searching for.

Article Topics

Muck Rack will automatically analyze the text of an article, determine what it is about, and assign up to 4 Topics to that article.

You can then use the new Article Topics filters to include some, all, or none of the topics you see in your results.


Search for articles from specific website domains. You can enter domain names or keywords related to specific websites to find articles published or from related sources. This filter helps You focus your search on articles from preferred domains or sources.

Domain Authority

Specify if you only want articles displayed that come up on early search engine results.

Broadcast Clips

Setting Name


Content type

Determine whether you'd like to include Television or Radio content.


Select specific media networks to include.


Select specific media stations to include.


Select specific media programs to include.


Select a specific location for local media.


Narrow down results by specifying a particular geographic area.

Automate Coverage Report

Selecting a Coverage Report or entering a new Coverage Report name here will connect this alert to the Coverage Report and automatically compile any coverage from the Alert into the report. You can connect multiple alerts to the same Coverage Report.

Shows the 'Data automation' section at the bottom of the Alert Settings page

Unsubscribe from an Alert

You can unsubscribe from an alert by navigating to the Alert's Settings page and removing the email subscriber from the Send Alerts > Email alert settings > Enter email subscribers field.

Shows the Alert Settings page with the 'Enter email subscribers' section circled in red

Bulk Unsubscribe from Multiple Alerts

To bulk unsubscribe from multiple alerts at once, navigate to the Alerts page.

  1. Under the Subscribed? column, you can see alerts you are subscribed to.

  2. Select the checkboxes next to the alerts you wish to unsubscribe from.

  3. Select Unsubscribe from the blue action bar that appears.

  4. Confirm your desire to unsubscribe by selecting Yes, unsubscribe on the modal that appears.

Shows the Alerts page with sections labeled in sequential order on the page

Delete an Alert

To delete an Alert, navigate to the Alerts page.

To delete a single Alert, select the three-dot menu under the Actions column for your desired Alert and click Delete:

Shows the Actions menu expanded with the 'Delete' button circled in red

To delete Alerts in bulk, select the checkboxes next to the Alert names you would like to delete, then select Delete in the blue action bar that appears:

Shows multiple alerts selected and the 'Delete' button circled in red on the action bar above the table

NOTE: Only the creator of an Alert will see the Delete option. If you do not see the Delete option when selecting Alerts, and the creator of the Alert is no longer part of your team on Muck Rack, contact Customer Support.

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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