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Export a Coverage Report

Export and share a Coverage Report in Excel, PDF, or Rich Text format

Sara Sorenson avatar
Written by Sara Sorenson
Updated over 2 months ago

Export a Coverage Report

When you need to share articles and their impact with clients or colleagues you can export your Coverage Report to Excel, PDF, or Rich Text.

How to Export a Coverage Report

  1. Go to Reporting > Coverage Reports and select the name of the Coverage Report you want to export.

    Shows the Coverage Reports landing page with the name of a Coverage Report circled in red

  2. Select Export and choose your export format.

    Shows the Coverage Report with the 'Export' button circled in red in the top right-hand corner

    Shows the 'Export' pop-up window with the 'Export' section circled in red

  3. Select either Filtered rows (this will export only the columns you have turned ON and uses the dates in your date filter) or All rows (this will export every available row in the report).

  4. Select the Export button.

Coverage Report Export Formats

Use this table to see a preview of what Coverage Reports look like when exported in each format and compare functionality.




Example of a Coverage Report exported in PDF format
  • Includes clickable URLs

  • Includes columns and rows that are available within the original Coverage Report

  • Can leverage Excel functionality to sort and filter if needed


  • Provides a summary of metrics at the top

  • Includes clickable URLs and Clips of the articles

  • Includes data for each article based on the columns and rows enabled in the original Coverage Report

Rich Text (Outlet name with linked title)

Example of a Coverage Report exported in Rich Text format with the Outlet name and linked title
  • Provides a list of articles with the Outlet Name first, then a clickable URL to the article

  • Great to copy and paste into communications, Presentations, reports, etc.

TIP: You can copy and paste links into a Text Only slide within your Presentations to provide a full list of articles if desired.

Shows a cursor copying and pasting links from the Rich Text browser window into a Text Only slide within a Presentation

Rich Text (Linked outlet name only)

Example of a Coverage Report exported in Rich Text format with the linked outlet name only

  • Provides a list showing only the Outlet Names, with clickable URLs that open each article

NOTE: You can customize what elements of your Coverage Report are exported by adjusting the Columns and Filters within the Articles Tab.

⚠️ IMPORTANT: When exporting your Coverage Report in an Excel format, a Journalist Statuses tab will appear, which contains all journalists who have Tweeted the articles in your report along with each of their tweets.

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