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Create a Dashboard

Learn how to create a new Dashboard, add Dashboard widgets, and edit or delete Dashboard widgets and data

Sara Sorenson avatar
Written by Sara Sorenson
Updated over a month ago

Create a Dashboard

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Dashboards on Muck Rack enable you to view data and graphs from across several data sources in one central view. See how your coverage changes in real-time in your organization’s live Dashboards to gain a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of your press hits.

Learn More in Muck Rack Academy

You can learn all about Dashboards by taking the Dashboards course on the Muck Rack Academy.

How to Create a New Dashboard from a Template

Use a Dashboard template to populate a set of widgets to get you started. Follow the steps or watch the video below to learn about creating a dashboard from a template.

For a full list of available templates (and the widgets they contain), see our Dashboard Widgets & Templates article.

  1. From the navigation bar, select Reporting > Dashboards.

    Shows the Reporting menu expanded with the 'Dashboards' option circled in red

  2. Select the Create New button in the top right corner, then select Create from template.

    Shows the 'Create new' button expanded with the 'Create from template' option circled in red

  3. Select the Use template button for the template you'd like to use for your dashboard.

    Shows the 'Dashboard Templates' panel expanded and the 'Use template' button circled in red below the first template

  4. Name your Dashboard, choose your Shared with settings, and select Save.

    Shows the Dashboard setup window

  5. For each dashboard widget, select the + Add data button and choose your data sources (Saved Search, New Search, or Coverage Report) then select Save to populate data into your dashboard.

    Shows data sources being added to a widget

💡TIP: For the most streamlined workflow, we recommend starting with a dashboard widget that includes colored visualizations (such as a line graph or pie chart). This allows you to assign colors to each of your data sources using the Configure widget panel.

Once you add data sources to a dashboard widget and choose the colors you'd like, you can populate the rest of your widgets with the same data sources and color customizations by selecting Add now link in the Populate more widgets pop-up that appears in the bottom right-hand corner.

Shows a closeup of the 'Populate more widgets' pop-up message with the 'Add now' link circled in red

How to Create a New Custom Dashboard

Exclusive to Premier

Dashboard customization is exclusive to those with a Premier Muck Rack subscription. If you'd like to explore upgrading your subscription, we recommend you reach out to your Customer Success Manager directly.

  1. From the navigation bar, select Reporting > Dashboards.

    Shows the Reporting menu expanded with the 'Dashboards' option circled in red

  2. Select the Create New button in the top right corner of the Dashboards landing page, then select Create custom.

    Shows the 'Create new' button expanded with the 'Create custom' option circled in red

  3. Select your desired widgets from the Widget Library, then select the Add widgets to Dashboard button at the bottom.

    Shows the 'Widget library' panel expanded with several widgets selected

  4. Give your Dashboard a name, select sharing settings (with your organization or only you), then choose Save.

    Shows the 'Dashboard settings' pop-up window

  5. For each dashboard widget select the + Add data button and choose your data sources (Saved Search, New Search, or Coverage Report) then select Save to populate data into your dashboard.

    Shows data sources being added to a widget using the steps previously listed

NOTE: You can add up to 18 widgets to any of your custom Dashboards.

How to Add Data to a Dashboard

Data is added to a Dashboard via widgets and key data sources. Learn the workflow by following the steps below.

For a full list of available widgets, see our Dashboard Widgets & Templates article.

  1. First, you'll need to add widgets to your dashboard. From a new Dashboard, select Pick your own widgets button. From an existing Dashboard, select the Add widget button.

    Shows the 'Create a Dashboard' page with the 'Pick your own widgets' button highlighted
    Shows an existing dashboard with the 'Add widget' button highlighted in the top right-hand corner

  2. Select your desired dashboard widget to add from the widget library then select the Add widget(s) to dashboard button at the bottom.

    Shows the 'Widget library' panel expanded with several widgets selected

  3. Choose your data source(s). You can choose Saved Search, New Search, or Coverage Report.

    Shows data sources being selected in the 'Configure widget' panel

  4. Adjust the way your data will look (where applicable) using the options that appear once your data source is selected. (Learn more about customization options in our Customize a Dashboard article).

  5. Select the Save button to populate data on your Dashboard.

    Shows the 'Configure widget' panel with the 'Save' button highlighted at the bottom

NOTE: You can add up to 18 widgets to any custom Dashboards.

How to Edit and Delete Dashboard Widgets

Select the dots in the upper right of your dashboard Widget to edit, delete, or export your widgets.

Select Edit to access the Configure Widget panel. From the Configure Widget panel, you can customize the labels and colors of your data visualizations, adjust your data sources, and even rename the widget itself.

Shows colors being updated on a widget using the 'Configure widget' panel

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Can I filter the data in my Dashboard widgets?

While you cannot apply filters directly to a widget, you can filter your data sources, i.e. the Saved Search or Coverage Reports attached to the widget.

How many widgets can I add to a custom Dashboard?

You can add up to 18 widgets to any custom Dashboards.

Why can't I add any new widgets to my Dashboard?

There are only two instances where you should be unable to add a new widget:

  1. You have reached the maximum allowed (18 total widgets).

  2. You are on a non-Premier Muck Rack subscription and are thus limited to the widgets included in the Dashboard Template.

I can see all of the data in my Dashboard, but my teammate in the same organization only sees some data. Why is this?

This can happen if you are using data sources (Saved Searches or Coverage Reports) that are set to 'Only me' visibility. We recommend checking the settings within your data sources to ensure visibility is shared with the whole org if you'd like to use them in Dashboards.

Can I export my dashboard?

To share a dashboard, you can either create a Presentation or export individual widgets to include in external reports or messages.

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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