The information in this article applies to Journalists listed in Muck Rack's database. For information specific to a PR Professional using Muck Rack, check out our Trend Reports article.
Trending Stories
Trending Stories on Muck Rack is a place to see the stories other journalists are talking about the most on social media, ranked in order of the number of times the article was shared.
Within each story, you can see:
The headline, dateline, byline(s), publishing outlet, and short snippet of the article
Green checks next to the journalist or outlet denotes that those are verified by Muck Rack.
Buttons to share to Facebook, LinkedIn, or X (Twitter).
The option to Open in Who Shared to get more data on social engagement and digital metrics as well as the people and other outlets that shared it.
If it looks like we may have made a mistake, select Issue with article? to let us know!
At the bottom of the story, you’ll have the option to show additional posts mentioning the article.
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