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Media Brief Assistant

Save valuable time preparing for interviews and press conversations by leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to generate a media brief

Sara Sorenson avatar
Written by Sara Sorenson
Updated today

Media Brief Assistant

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With Media Brief Assistant, easily generate a media briefing that includes journalist information, stakeholder information, and the context of key messages directly in Muck Rack!

Use Media Brief Assistant

When there’s an upcoming interview or conversation, you can use the Create Brief button to set up a Media Brief.

  1. Head to a journalist profile and select the Create Brief button below their bio.

    Shows a journalist profile with the 'Create Brief' button highlighted

  2. Enter the interviewee’s information, including role and company.

    Shows the Media Brief Assistant open with the Context and Key Messages fields highlighted

  3. Enter additional context and key messages to improve your brief (this is optional).

  4. Select the Generate button.

    Shows the Generate button being selected and a media brief being generated

  5. If desired, use the chat on the left-hand side to provide further prompts to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make adjustments to your brief.

    Shows a generated Media Brief with the AI chat highlighted on the left-hand side

  6. Once you're ready, you can select the "Copy text" button in the top right-hand corner to copy the brief to your clipboard and paste it elsewhere for further editing and sharing.

    Shows a generated Media Brief with the 'Copy text' button highlighted in the top right corner with a red arrow pointing to it

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)



Can I interact with a chat interface to make adjustments to the brief book provided?

Yes, you can add clarity or more information to be included with the brief book.

Can I see the sources of information provided in the brief?

Yes, there are footnotes next to the articles that are the basis for certain information about the journalist:

Shows footnote numbering for sources in a media brief

Each footnote corresponds to a linked article or source.

Does this feature use external AI integrations?

Yes it is a GenAI tool powered in part by OpenAI’s GPT models. However none of the data our users submit is used to train ChatGPT’s models.

Can I request to disable this feature if I am restricted from using AI integrations?

Yes, you can make that request to your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

It will be included with the same toggle on the back end as PressPal - both would be toggled ON or OFF.

Can I save the media briefs to my Muck Rack account, activity logs, or the reporter's profile?

No; however, you can select a button to copy + paste the brief.

Shows a generated Media Brief with the 'Copy text' button highlighted in the top right corner with a red arrow pointing to it

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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