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Pitch Follow-Ups

Learn how to follow up on Pitches sent through Muck Rack

Sara Sorenson avatar
Written by Sara Sorenson
Updated over 2 months ago

Pitch Follow-Ups

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You can follow up on your pitches in Muck Rack by sending bulk and individual follow-ups to pitch recipients. Watch the video or follow the steps below to learn more.

Learn More in Muck Rack Academy

Want to learn more about you can improve your follow-up strategies to boost journalist engagement and pitch success? Check out our best practice guide on Increasing Pitch Effectiveness.

How to Send a Pitch Follow-Up

  1. Go to Relationships > Pitches and select a sent Pitch.

    Shows the 'Relationships' dropdown menu expanded with the 'Pitches' option circled in red

  2. To send a follow-up to a full list of recipients, select the Send Follow-Up button at the top of the Pitch.

    Shows the 'Send follow-up' button circled in red and magnified at the top of a Pitch page

  3. To send a follow-up to specific recipients, use the checkboxes to select the contacts you'd like to follow up with, then select the Send Follow-Up option in the action bar that appears.

    Shows several pitches checked on the Pitch page and the 'Send follow-up' button circled in red

  4. Compose your follow-up and follow the rest of the normal Pitch flow to send your message.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Can I follow up on a follow-up?

Yes; to send a follow-up to an existing follow-up, use these steps:

  1. Navigate to your Pitches page and select the Follow-Ups tab.

    Shows the Pitches page with the 'Follow-Ups' tab circled in red

  2. Select an existing Follow-Up from the table.

    Shows the Follow-Up page with a follow-up email circled in red in the table

  3. Select the Sent tab.

    Shows the Follow-Up page with the 'Sent' tab circled in red

  4. Select the contact you'd like to follow up with using the checkbox next to their name, then select Send Follow-Up.

    Shows the Sent tab with a contact selected and the 'Send follow-up' button circled in red

  5. Select Next Step to compose your follow-up message. Notice that the original follow-up message(s) are threaded in the email. You can then continue through the rest of the Pitch flow as usual.

    Shows how to navigate to the Compose step to see the full follow-up thread and write your message

⚠️ Important: To make sure ALL previous follow-ups are included in the email thread, you must make sure you navigate to the most recent follow-up page first.

How come all the recipients got added to my follow-up even though I used the checkboxes?

There are two Send Follow-Up buttons on the page:

  1. Selecting the Send Follow-Up button in the top right of the page will automatically add your entire list to a follow-up:

    Shows the 'Send follow-up' button at the top of the page circled in red

  2. Selecting the Send Follow-Up button that appears in the blue action bar at the top of the table will add only those contacts that are currently selected to your follow-up:

    Shows the 'Send follow-up' button at the top of the table in the action bar circled in red

Make sure you are selecting the button that appears in the blue action bar at the top of the table.

Get Help

For additional help, contact support by choosing the chat icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen and selecting Messages > Send us a message.

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